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Top 3 Most Nutritious Vegetables

By Stephanie Margolis, R.D.

Published May 19, 2023

Veggies are some of the most nutrient-rich foods we can add to our diet. These little gems add all the things – fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants while also being filling and flavorful. A diet filled with vegetables can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower the risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect on blood sugar. The challenge is that only 9% of Americans get the recommended 2-3 cups of veggies per day. Here we are going to highlight the top 3 most nutritious vegetables and provide you with ways to make sure you are in the 9%!

Serve Up the Spinach

While kale had its moment (and is in the top 10 nutrient-rich veggies), spinach actually tops the list. Spinach is rich in Vitamin A and K both which support eye health, healthy blood pressure, and cancer prevention. It also is filled with antioxidants that fight oxidative stress – most notably beta carotene and lutein. The most impactful thing about these leaves is that you can get most, if not all, of your recommended daily value in just 1 cup of uncooked spinach. Spinach is also high in fiber, so you are getting a filling food for few calories.

Spinach is also super versatile. You can enjoy raw leaves as the base to a salad filled with strawberries, feta cheese, blueberries, and walnuts. It also mixes well in a smoothie after you remove the stems and blend well. These leaves are so nutrient-dense that even cooking them down to serve in a frittata or as a side dish does not diminish the nutritional value.

Cups and Cups of Carrots

Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, and fiber! All these you can find in carrots. It does not matter if they are full or baby carrots both have similar nutrient profiles and both provide antioxidants to support good vision, promote bone health, help control your blood pressure, and enhance your immune function. They are the ultimate fast food to be enjoyed raw but don’t just limit these orange powerhouses to just snacks. Use carrots in smoothies, Asian dishes, with a glaze, and slow cooked.

Broccoli’s the Bomb!

Broccoli has long been a staple side dish and for good reason. These sulforaphane and flavonoids in the veggies have anti-inflammatory effects and have been shown to protect against several types of cancer. In one cup you get 77% your daily value of Vitamin K, 90% your daily value of Vitamin C, a good dose of folate, manganese, and Vitamin C. Broccoli is related to cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, kale, and cauliflower so if you ever get tired of these tiny trees you can get a similar nutrient boost from those foods. Broccoli can be steamed, used in pasta, in a summer slaw, in sups, and chopped in a frittata. Beware, overcooking broccoli does decrease the amount of Vitamin C – so keep that broccoli dark green!

Bottom Line

While it comes as no surprise that these veggies rank high hopefully you feel inspired to add more to your day. Whatever you choose to go with, make it a goal this week to have at least 3 cups of veggies each day (in addition to fruits to get the most variety of nutrients!)